
Ivan Guardado Guardado itibaren Yeşilköy Köyü itibaren Yeşilköy Köyü

Okuyucu Ivan Guardado Guardado itibaren Yeşilköy Köyü

Ivan Guardado Guardado itibaren Yeşilköy Köyü


I teach this book every fall, and even though the students moan about how hard it is, I still teach it. I am not a huge fan of Hawthorne. I agree with my students in many ways; I think he uses sentences that are too long and complex and he uses necessarily flowery language. But, I do think two things are great about this book: 1) The characters and their emotions are deep and intersting and 2) I think its funny that this book is such an honored classic, but its really very simular to Jerry Springer!