
Alex Ribera V Ribera V itibaren Texas itibaren Texas

Okuyucu Alex Ribera V Ribera V itibaren Texas

Alex Ribera V Ribera V itibaren Texas


Bunu Bir Milyon Küçük Parçadan daha çok beğendim. Başka bir hareketli roman, gerçek olup olmadığına bakılmaksızın, yaşam için doğrudur.


** spoiler uyarısı ** Malcolm Gladwell'in kitaplarını okumayı seviyorum. Bu kitap, beyninizi bile bilmeden bir şeyi farketmesi için geçen birkaç saniyeyi anlattı. Gerçekten harika bir kitap.


harika bir ebeveynlik kitabı. nasıl yapılacağı değil, ebeveyn olarak rolünü ve çocuklarıyla ilişkilerini anlamanın temeli.


Bu kitap inanılmaz. Erkeklerin içinde yaşadıkları ve hayatta kaldıkları dünya üzerine sosyal bir yorum. Büyük okuma, yazar Chuck Palahniuk'un zihnine mümkün olan en iyi giriş.


Bu kitap çok eğlenceli! Yazı gerçekten komik, ama verdiği eğlenceli tarifler ve ipuçları gerçekten kullanışlı ve akıllı. Bu benim en sevdiğim yemek kitabı.


Bu yazarın ikinci kitabım, Günaha Günaha'yı okuduktan sonra bu başlığı okumak için sabırsızlanıyordum ve hayal kırıklığına uğradım. Bu, bir kadının kendini bulma yolculuğunun hikayesi. Güzel Fransız Karayipler Adası Martinik'e gider, burada arayışında ona çok istekli ve yardım edebilen yıkıcı yakışıklı Wolfe LaCasse ile tanışır. Bu kendini keşfetme yolculuğunda, Daphne ve Wolfe için… aşk iktidardadır, çünkü bu ikisi arasındaki “ısı” onları tüketmekle tehdit etmektedir. Daha sonra nihai kararı vermek için ayrılmalı mı yoksa kalmasın mı yoksa kalsın mı, başka hiç kimseye benzemeyen bir aşkı tecrübe etmeli. Bu aşk hikayesi harika bir şekilde yazılmış ve güçlü bir şekilde tasvir edilmiştir.


Originally on From Book to Hooked. This book made me very frustrated! Can anybody guess why? Gah! *tries to compose herself* If I wasn't hooked on this series before, I certainly am now. The amazing action and suspense (and tension) surrounding our favorite Shadowhunters is not lacking in this second installment to the Mortal Instruments series. The battle against Valentine contiunes, and I couldn't be happier. Unless of course *insert spoiler here*. While Clary wants nothing more than to go back to her normal life with her best friend, who's becoming more than a friend, Simon, the world of the Shadowhunters keeps pulling her back in. With her mother in a magically induced coma, her recently discovered ability to see Downworlders like werewolves, vampires, and faeries, and her newfound brother, Jace, who she may or may not be in love with, Clary is as far from normal as it gets. To make matters worse, someone is murdering Downworlder children... and Valentine is the number one suspect. I was so happy to see the characters developing in this book. Clary didn't annoy me so much this time around. She seems to be growing as a character, and becoming a stronger protagonist. In case you didn't guess, my frustration in this book stemmed from Clary's relationship with Jace. I just... they can't... AHHH! In any case, I loved the tension between them. A fan may be required, especially for a certain unnamed scene involving faeries that completely shocked me. Much to my delight, the layers that are Jace were further unveiled in this book. He is one of the most developed and depth ridden (not sure that makes sense) characters I've read in a long time. Alec and Isabelle were more involved in this book. I was really happy to see more of their characters. Luke is also back, helping Clary in her quest to wake Jocelyn. Then there's Valentine. When it came to him, I was both horrified and pleased at the same time. His level of evil has definetly increased. Or maybe I should say it's been revealed. If you haven't read this wonderful series (has anyone not read it?) I would highly recommend it. If you have read them, heck, reread them. I'm beyond hooked!


I liked this story, it was very unique. However, I thought sometimes the characters were a little....harsh and cruel, but maybe that's just me. Then again they're not human so they live by different rules, so making them less human is what the author was probably going for. Also, the whole story was kinda leading towards the meeting with the Quatre, and then the it was over in a few pages. It felt a little anitclimatic. Now for the good things!!! Like I said before the plot was totally orginal, at least to me. I liked how it evolved, and really enjoyed reading it. I was really surprised about how the relationship devloped between the two main characters, and there is a surpise about them that I did not see coming!! Overall a good read and I will definatly try to read the second book! I won this book in First Reads.