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Dimosca Bumbu Bumbu itibaren Texas


Bu daha kısa yazılar ve musluklar koleksiyonu, Amy Tan'ın zihnine ve yaratıcı gücüne nefis kişisel bir bakış. Yazar bloğuyla kendi savaşlarını ve kurgusal kısıtlamaların dışında kalan annesiyle olan ilişkisinin ayrıntılarını duymayı özellikle anladım. Yaratıcı bir kadın olarak, onun düşüncelerini düşünmek için çok şey buldum ve araştırmak ve takip etmek istediğim bir avuç sağlam fikirle bu kitaptan uzaklaştım. Bayan Tan'a bir mektup yazmak zorunda kaldığımı bile hissediyorum - sözlerim onun beğenileriyle birlikte ayarlandığında alçakgönüllü ve kaba olacak - yine de kendimi keşfetmeye başladığımda sesinin ne kadar önemli olduğunu bilmesini istiyorum. Ve evet, bunu kasıtlı olarak sanat kitaplarımla kategorilere ayırdım. Yaratıcı yolculuktan bahseden her şey, ister müzik, yazılı, görsel, tiyatro olsun, diğer disiplinlerde değeri damlatabilir.


This is a remarkable book. Painfully honest, and meticulously written, this series of essays skewers many of the post-modern truths that we are subjected to regularly. Although the book can seem redundant or repetitive(it is a collection of his previously published articles) points he makes are remarkable. A must read for anyone curious about racial politics in America.


I really wish this would have been called Twenty-eight by Endo but then the title wouldn't have appeared so zen and balanced as Five by Endo. I loved this small collection of shorts... melancholy, introspective, and so very refreshing. Nearly all of the stories dealt with old age, death, and faith... or a struggle with one's faith. Unzen touched on the torture and martyrdom of Christians in seventeenth-century Japan. A Fifty-year-old Man introduces a Mr Chiba who while taking ballroom dancing to keep his spirit young and legs limber faces the death of his mongrel dog and older brother (my favorite in the collection). Japanese in Warsaw, one of the lighter and more humorous stories, still slams you with the power of faith and sacrifice. Retracing a story through old postcards found in an old wooden chest in the story called The Box reveals a mystery and surprise. And The Case of Isobe, the opening chapter of Endo's novel Deep River is a sad story of death and rebirth. A truly great collection of stories I'd heartily recommend to everyone. Haiku from the short story The Case of Isobe: Not telling the truth again today I went out of the hospital With a shudder, I open my eyes and think of life without my wife


My favorite novel. Never ever read such an amazing work of literature. I am going to read it again in the near future.


LHA is probably my favorite YA author, and she hit another home run with this book. Wintergirls builds to a crescendo and I as a reader became so involved in the story that I stayed up late last night to finish the book. Just as in "Speak", the female lead of the story is pushed to the brink (though the situation was much more dire in this book) and triumphs over her demons. What a wonderful author, and I hope she published many more novels.