
Susan Escobar Escobar itibaren Squinzano itibaren Squinzano

Okuyucu Susan Escobar Escobar itibaren Squinzano

Susan Escobar Escobar itibaren Squinzano


Xtabentun, A Novel of Yucatan is an enjoyable quick read, if you can ignore grammatical errors (some sentences have to be read twice to catch the meaning). The author Rosy, Hugener, sprinkles in enough Mayan folklore to peak the reader’s interest. Some of the descriptions are creative. The story line is believable and it draws the reader into the book. Mexico’s turbulent history and the struggle of its indigenous peoples are presented in a palatable way. All in all it is a good book.


Awesome for a toddler storytime about trucks. Each page starts off with "I'm a little dumptruck" which you could get the kids to say along with you. Nice for audience participation.