
Anna Schoenberger Schoenberger itibaren Maranian (Marari), Pakistan itibaren Maranian (Marari), Pakistan

Okuyucu Anna Schoenberger Schoenberger itibaren Maranian (Marari), Pakistan

Anna Schoenberger Schoenberger itibaren Maranian (Marari), Pakistan


This book details the life and culture of a young woman who was born in Haiti. Sophie Caco, talked of her childhood and adulthood, and how Haiti molded her into the woman she eventually became as she grew older. In my opinion, this books is somewhat sad and depressing as it talks about the secrets many women in Haiti share. As a custom, the women in Haiti are "tested" to ensure their virginity until marriage, by their mothers. The women are violated by their mothers on an almost weekly basis, but testing to see if their hymen is still in place. The women grow up traumatized by this custom and grow up to be sexually repressed women later in life. Sophie, 12 years old, leaves her home of Haiti to go live with her mother, that she barely knows, in New York city. She ends up living with her mother for several years, getting tested on a weekly basis after her mother finds out that Sophie is interested in a man who lives next door. Sophie ends up breaking her own hymen to end the relentless testing that her mother does, and runs off to marry the man and has a baby. Sophie is then haunted by the weekly testing practice, and has to go to therapy and classes that deal with her sexual phobia in order to heal. Sophie's mother has also been haunted by certain demons, and shares with Sophie of the rape that impregnated her with Sophie. Sophie's mom has nightmares of this rape over and over for years, and she eventually commits suicide after she finds out she's pregnant and thinks she hears voices of the man that raped her a long time ago. The culture in Haiti seems to be somewhat dismal, depressing, and matriarchal in dominance. The women keep these secrets of rape, testing, and other things to themselves their whole lives, and never shared. Sophie's aunt, Tante Atie, and her Grandmother try to help in uncovering these issues, but aren't really successful because it happened to them, and they accept it as a way of life. Overall, I would rate this book a 5, and would recommend this book to everyone.