
Georgina Brown Brown itibaren Arroyo Arena, Pueblo Nuevo, Córdoba, Kolombio itibaren Arroyo Arena, Pueblo Nuevo, Córdoba, Kolombio

Okuyucu Georgina Brown Brown itibaren Arroyo Arena, Pueblo Nuevo, Córdoba, Kolombio

Georgina Brown Brown itibaren Arroyo Arena, Pueblo Nuevo, Córdoba, Kolombio


Another entertaining book by Ms. Gibson that answers the question "what happened to the guy that got away?" A fun, sexy read.


It would be an understatement to say that I LOVED this book as a kid! I turned out to be a pretty messy person, so I guess my mother bought this for 5-year-old-me in a bout of psychic intuition. I recited this book in its entirety for second grade speech fair and can still ramble off most of the poem. SERIOUSLY, to me at 5 years old, this book represented the highest form of humor - I laughed, I empathized, I disliked Harvey's mother for making him clean his room... this book had it all. If I ever have kids, they're getting 'Clean Your Room, Harvey Moon' (along with some Shel Silverstein, Le Petit Prince, If You Give A Mouse A Cookie, Amelia Bedelia, Where the Wild Things Are, and all of my other childhood favorites).