
J S S itibaren Obozne, Luhans'ka oblast, Ukrayna itibaren Obozne, Luhans'ka oblast, Ukrayna

Okuyucu J S S itibaren Obozne, Luhans'ka oblast, Ukrayna

J S S itibaren Obozne, Luhans'ka oblast, Ukrayna


What Girls Learn involves a mother's fight against breast cancer. Frances' two daughters, Tilden and Elizebeth, come together during their mother's ups and downs. The trio moves across the country when their mother meets a man and their lives change forever. The move ends up to be for the best and they gradually appreciate their new father figure. I agree that the voice authenticity appeals to teens because it is told from the perspective of a young teen who is going through emotional and physical changes. Not only do the sisters struggle with their mother's disease and getting used to their stepfather and new lifestyle, their bodies are changing and they're sexually experimenting. All teens, especially girls, would relate to the struggle of going through puberty. The characters are believable. I can personally relate to their reactions. This novel was a good book to read for those who have a family member or friend diagnosed with breast cancer. However, I would recommend this book to a teen after the person has gone through cancer treatments and is in remission because it is rather emotional. My mom is in remission for breast cancer and some parts of the novel were a bit difficult to get through since I had a personal connection. I would consider this novel a book that girls might be drawn to more than boys. I would promote What Girls Learn to teens who have gone through a family member or friend surviving a disease. It would definitely make them appreciate life. 3P3QJ