
Kelly Marie O Marie O itibaren Brădățel 727312, Roménia itibaren Brădățel 727312, Roménia

Okuyucu Kelly Marie O Marie O itibaren Brădățel 727312, Roménia

Kelly Marie O Marie O itibaren Brădățel 727312, Roménia


great story to teach young children about painting.. gives pages on painting techniques and colors, etc. Looking forward to using it in my programs for Summer Reading Theme this year! Highly recommend!


The future dystopian world described by Ben Elton could so very possibly be ours! It's a kind of warning, a look down a road none of us would wish to walk along today, so we must act now to prevent it happening. Although they are seemingly satirical images in the novel, fast-food chains are popular joints, aren't they? Skimpy clothing is de rigueur, isn't it? The sub-text of religious manipulation of society by the Temple is masterful, with its undertones of torture and control in a hotbed of witch-hunts and Big Brother. The narrative is simple and repetitive - just as the mob is meant to be! Ev Love!


This is a good organizational book.