
Vadir Sottelo Sottelo itibaren Tyubyak-Chekurcha, Respublika Tatarstan, Rusya, 422002 itibaren Tyubyak-Chekurcha, Respublika Tatarstan, Rusya, 422002

Okuyucu Vadir Sottelo Sottelo itibaren Tyubyak-Chekurcha, Respublika Tatarstan, Rusya, 422002

Vadir Sottelo Sottelo itibaren Tyubyak-Chekurcha, Respublika Tatarstan, Rusya, 422002


Not bad. Again another filler series book.


I enjoyed this, although it took a little while to get used to the first person POV it's written in. I can't help but compare mysteries set in Egypt during this timeline to The Lord Meren Mysteries (Lynda S. Robinson), though, and this kind of pales next to those for me. But the writing style is a bit less purple than Robinson's, so it's more accessible. All in all, it's a pretty interesting take on the mystery of Nefertiti's disappearance.