
F itibaren Jurbarko rajono savivaldybė itibaren Jurbarko rajono savivaldybė

Okuyucu F itibaren Jurbarko rajono savivaldybė

F itibaren Jurbarko rajono savivaldybė


My dad - a pastor - made me read this when I was 14. I love my dad.


Oh Yasmina...Beckett you're not.


My second Wodehouse. Finished it in one day. Starting to love Wooster and Jeeves and Co. A great find and highly recommended.


My favorite sort of book -- a collection of invented folktales presented as false documents, and holy ones at that -- stories about 12 of the 36 unlikely saints who, by their presence in the world, make humanity bearable to God so He doesn't destroy us in a fit of disgust. Their role is unknown, even to themselves, and unacknowledged. As I read, I began looking around at the people I notice the least and wondering, is that one a secret saint?