
Luu Yen Yen itibaren 苏埃拉 itibaren 苏埃拉

Okuyucu Luu Yen Yen itibaren 苏埃拉

Luu Yen Yen itibaren 苏埃拉


Ella enjoyed this anthology. She could pick the story she wanted because all of the stories have their original bookcover shown on the cover of the anthology. She would point to the one she wanted. I would tell her we needed to look it up in the table of contents, look at the page number, then turn the pages to the correct page, showing her the page number when we got to it. I felt that this was a good early lesson on looking things up. The only down side is it is a big heavy book, so it is hard for her to manuever on her own and my arms get tired if we read too many stories at one time out of it, however we could sit on the floor (or picnic blanket outside) with the book flat on the floor in front of us.


it was funny, one of the only books that id read if i have nothin better to do