
Fishmount itibaren Chester, Cheshire West and Chester CH1 6JZ, UK itibaren Chester, Cheshire West and Chester CH1 6JZ, UK

Okuyucu Fishmount itibaren Chester, Cheshire West and Chester CH1 6JZ, UK

Fishmount itibaren Chester, Cheshire West and Chester CH1 6JZ, UK


tamame ketabhaye akhavan alie


** spoiler alert ** This book was suggested as the March book for the Real Simple book club. It took me a long time to get pulled into this book and I didn't really have any motivation to finish it until I read the final comments on the book from the book club. In essence, this 9 year girl decides to stop talking one day pretty much to see if she can do it. Then, because she is strong willed, she decides that she can't talk and spends the next 9 months not talking. She is removed from school, believes everything is her fault, stops realizing that she is the one who decided that she can't talk and that she has the power to just start talking again, and engrosses herself in her art -- which she doesn't let anyone else see. SPOLIER -- finally she starts talking again when she thinks that her dad is in trouble and because she is scared. I know that there is probably suppossed to be a bigger meaning to the story and why she didn't talk -- but for the most part i felt she was spoiled. Her mom and dad never tell her no and the girl is EXTREMELY OCD. WHO shovels paths in the snow because they don't want the snowed mussed -- no 9 year olds I know of! The book was okay. would I read it again? NO. I am glad that I only checked it out from the library. But I will give it that the book was at least interesting.