
Albe Leclerc Leclerc itibaren Texas itibaren Texas

Okuyucu Albe Leclerc Leclerc itibaren Texas

Albe Leclerc Leclerc itibaren Texas


Loved reading about the strike from a kid's point of view.


Despite its problems, it’s easy for me to see why some readers absolutely love Green. Lake’s writing is absolutely stunning and Green herself is a fascinating well-wrought character with incredible depth. These two facts might serve to carry some readers through. However, for others, the unbelievable and endlessly dragging second half filled with events that seemed more filler than anything else will leave readers with a sour impression. In the end, Green left me wishing Lake had focused more on the character Green rather than endless journeys and odd happenings in foreign lands punctuated by a poor ending. However, regardless of my feelings, this book is still a solid three star read which may appeal to some readers and not others. There are things in Green that are absolutely stunning, which are nicely balanced by other things which may cause a few eyes to roll. Read my full review here:


While the story is told from an interesting perspective, it was still disturbing. The author truly succeeds in making the reader uncomfortable with how life can unfold after the death of a child.