
Maximos Pyrovetsis Pyrovetsis itibaren Beechwood Drive, Co. Limerick, İrlanda itibaren Beechwood Drive, Co. Limerick, İrlanda

Okuyucu Maximos Pyrovetsis Pyrovetsis itibaren Beechwood Drive, Co. Limerick, İrlanda

Maximos Pyrovetsis Pyrovetsis itibaren Beechwood Drive, Co. Limerick, İrlanda


LOOOOVED it!!! Cassandra Clare is an amazing author and I'm obsessed with all of her books!


Ever wonder what ignorant Europeans thought of people in distant lands and places?


Love the history...but this author's syntax is difficult to follow and make allowances for. Also, she spends half the book explaining that Consuelo Vanderbilt was overprotected and sheltered, kind of a non entity compared to Alva Vanderbilt, and so when the books switches to Consuelo's time as a Duchess, my interest plummeted. I am not very interested in this particular poor little rich girl. But I like reading about the Gilded Age, so I keep on...