
Hector Perez Perez itibaren Acıelma Köyü, 46600 Acıelma Köyü/Göksun/Kahramanmaraş, Türkiye itibaren Acıelma Köyü, 46600 Acıelma Köyü/Göksun/Kahramanmaraş, Türkiye

Okuyucu Hector Perez Perez itibaren Acıelma Köyü, 46600 Acıelma Köyü/Göksun/Kahramanmaraş, Türkiye

Hector Perez Perez itibaren Acıelma Köyü, 46600 Acıelma Köyü/Göksun/Kahramanmaraş, Türkiye


Lei este libro hace muchos años y ahora me ha sorprendido el ver que a raiz de la pelicula, es leido de nuevo....de todas maneras, me impactó muchísimo en su día.


it's hard to say why i love this book so much. nope--got it. it's because lynda barry captures the combination of anguish and delusional hope that is particular to adolescent girls who hate themselves and everyone else too but nonetheless maintain the powerful and naive belief that someday they will be loved. and in pursuit of that life-saving belief in love, they will scarifice themselves to almost anything. sad? yes. but she makes it so funny, too, in spite of all the acid-tripping, kidnapping, child-molesting and murdering. the plot defies synopsis. just look at the "map" the author provides on the inside cover. (the illustrations are a big plus even if you're not the kind of person who needs pictures to stay interested.) but here's the key element/source of my love: our little heroine kicks ass and survives. * when i say i recommend it for the teenage girl in you, i don't mean in an emotionally-retarded, i-still-read-seventeen-magazine, thwarted-childhood way. i'm talking about that inner fireball of fury that should never die.