
Kenneth Borrell Borrell itibaren Texas itibaren Texas

Okuyucu Kenneth Borrell Borrell itibaren Texas

Kenneth Borrell Borrell itibaren Texas


Çok iyi bir kitap. Genç konuşmada yarısı var, ancak yine de hızlı hareket eden, komik ve gerçek olmayı başarıyor. Güzel yazı. :)


"film ve edebiyat sınıfında kadınlar" için bu kolej okumak zorunda .. ve ben kitap ve karakterleri ile bir aşk-nefret ilişkisi var bulundu ....


I think that I may have learned more about World War II from this book than I did in any of my history classes. Louie Zamperini's story gave me a freshened sense of gratitude of how blessed my life is because of the sacrifices of the staggering number of those lost at/in war. This book covers everything...fear, outrage, torment, loss, pride, hatred, understanding, forgiveness, love...the list goes on.


This book was a very enjoyable read. Told in a way that the story just seemed to unwrap, layer upon layer. It was not a book that I could not wait to finish, but one that I anticipated finishing. It is a story set in the early 70's (my era) and it was about Cory Sifter who is taken underwing by a wealthy family. His education, and entire future changed. While working for the weathly Metarey family, he is priveledged to attend a private boarding school, which he takes every advantage. It is the Nixon era, and the Metarey's are Democrats, so we get a glimpse into the comqaign that (might have) changed America. It is am amazing read, and I would recommend it to anyone who likes a quiet, wonderful read. I know I will check out Ethan Canin's other books in the future.


don't expect neat and satsifying endings. do expect an exquisite! portrait of the south asian experience, as immigrants, as women, as professionals, as untouchables, as people.