
Brent Swart Swart itibaren 47400 Yamaç Köyü/Kızıltepe/Mardin, Türkiye itibaren 47400 Yamaç Köyü/Kızıltepe/Mardin, Türkiye

Okuyucu Brent Swart Swart itibaren 47400 Yamaç Köyü/Kızıltepe/Mardin, Türkiye

Brent Swart Swart itibaren 47400 Yamaç Köyü/Kızıltepe/Mardin, Türkiye


I absolutely loved Mockingjay. It was such a great finale to such an amazing series. I must first mention that Katniss is no longer under my dislike list. I came to respect her character more in this novel. Her defiance in the first Hunger Games is what set this revolution in motion. Many of my favorite characters died in this book which was so sad to see, I was hoping that they would come back like HAHA we didn't die especially Finnick whom I grew to love but no he didn't. Finnick shouldn't have died right after he found his love again. Especially after all he had been through, a sex slave to others when his one true love was out there (tear). Moving on to Peeta. It was so sad to read how he was being tortured by the Capitol or more specifically President Snow (the bastard). I was so happy when the rebels went to rescue him and succeeded, but boy was it a shock that he was programmed to kill Katniss but at the same time i loved it, (AWESOME STORYLINE I THINK SO). But it would have just been to easy just to rescue Peeta and get him back so easy. Poor Peeta always the one getting the brunt of everything, but this experience opened up Katniss eyes to how unappreciated Peeta was by her. Now Gale might now have turned out to be the psycho I envisioned but he came close enough. He became a calculated cold blooded killer...which is worse. Though no one knows which bomb ended up killing all those people and especially Prim, but he was right along with the other rebels making this killing machine. YES I KNOW Gale had every right to want to kill and get revenge i understand that completely but my problem with him was that he had no problem killing innocents to get his revenge. In a way hes no different that Snow. Katniss and him weren't meant for each other I don't care how many times they went hunting or blah blah because 1) That Prim incident will always have hanged over there heads 2)She never could forget about the boy with the bread. I thought President Snow got off way to easy. WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT!?. He deserved to suffer so much more than he did because his death in the end was just way to easy. And thats because Katniss had been to busy executing Coin which made me so happy because that was one calculating power seeking bitch!. But I would have loved to see Katniss chop of Presidents Snow head off or shoot an arrow into his head but at least he died. I loved the ending. Katniss and Peeta and Haymitch back together again. They were from the start a family. At first I thought Katniss was going to end up alone which wouldn't have bothered me because after everything she had been through how could she ever love anyone? but yes I was practically squealing like a schoolgirl when I read the Epilogue. Yes a bit cheesy but then again just about right. Them having kids 15 years later was just the icing on the cake. This series all together deserves 5 stars because it was just soooo amazing. I loved it and I know a movie is coming out about it in 2012 but I'm pretty sure they are going to butcher it like movies always do but I'm still going to go see it because I loved this series so much. I recommend it to everyone! especially Guys because this is one series that they will enjoy because its filled with action and suspense and twist.