DVELAS Reusail Project Reusail Project itibaren बहार, उत्तर प्रदेश, भारत
Though I haven't explored their photography volume yet, Phaidon's Vitamin series are excellent primers to contemporary art, narrowed down to a specific medium (thank god). The general scene being as diverse and everywhere as it is, this kind of loose focus (operative term being loose) is amazing to experience, leafing through artist after artist. The critical blurbs can be frustratingly brief and at worst too vague, but for the most part they give a reasonable introduction in thinking of an artist's work on his/her terms. Plus, it's Phaidon, so it's going to look sexy and feel supercool. Very recommended.
kafka is very strange for me to read. i guess listening to radiohead often reminds me of reading his works. i feel like i don't understand it, yet sometimes something sort of hooks me and i get choked up or feel unsettled or something.