
Jaylen Huang Huang itibaren Stręgiel, Polsko itibaren Stręgiel, Polsko

Okuyucu Jaylen Huang Huang itibaren Stręgiel, Polsko

Jaylen Huang Huang itibaren Stręgiel, Polsko


This candied, smutty, hist/fict was a delightful read (the literary equivalent of Brittany Spears, I know, don't judge!). I initially picked it up because I liked the name "Phillipa." Any-who... This is about Anne Boleyn's sister Mary, who was Henry VIII's original Boleyn mistress. A different perspective which is rarely heard about in the whole Tudor drama.


A very easy and engaging read -- Platt does a great job of calling on Christians to live the change that so often we only boast of. He challenges his readers to take a self-assessment of what truly our "new creature" looks like in light of our lived-out faith and beliefs. I appreciated the nature of the book and his passion for action in the life of believers. However, I found that a few times he seemed to wander onto proverbial "rabbit trails" -- focusing more on social issues of the day, than an actual call for spiritual leadership and responsibility. He is careful to include in this book that, although we need to alter our way of thinking as it relates to every day life and our view of materialism, social status, etc. -- we are not to shift our thinking in matters such as the Gospel and Biblical truth. He does draw the distinction between the need to embrace and love people as God loves them and accepting/embracing their religious "ideas" if they are contrary to Scripture. All in all, a good read. There are many practical personal take-aways weaved throughout the book.