
BuzzTum itibaren 81024 Masseriola II CE, İtalya itibaren 81024 Masseriola II CE, İtalya

Okuyucu BuzzTum itibaren 81024 Masseriola II CE, İtalya

BuzzTum itibaren 81024 Masseriola II CE, İtalya


Zimbabve'de 2 kitaplık bir hayat anısının ilk bölümü. Mukiwa, yazarın çocuk ve genç yetişkinliği ile ilgilenir ve doğal olarak 2 parçaya ayrılır, yani pastoral bir çocukluk ve daha sonra iç savaşa katılımı. Çok iyi yazılmış, okunması kolay


Bleh. Is kind of how I felt after reading this. I really enjoyed when Elizabeth was trekking around Italy and Bali, I loved hearing about her travels, but the middle section of the book really disappointed me. I'm quite interested in India, yet I found the part of the book when Elizabeth was there really boring. She didnt leave her ashram and travel around India as I'd been expecting her too, which was a bit annoying. And while I'm glad she had a spiritual awakening whilst in India, I didnt really care enough to want to spend 100 pages reading about it. I was reading the book because I wanted to hear about her travels, not her self-actualisation. I literally ended up skipping the India section. Luckily the third section, where Elizabeth was in Bali I really enjoyed, somewhat making up for the lack of India I was able to read about. Overall it was alright, Elizabeth annoyed me a bit though.