Sun itibaren Pickle Lake, ON P0V, Kanada
Öncelikle çocuklara yönelik bir stil ile fantastik edebiyata giriş olarak iyi bir okuma. Lewis'in anlatımı etkileyici, Tolkenian yazarları için zemin hazırladı (bu da Tolkien'i bile etkiledi ...)
A nice little interlude between some not-so-steamy novels. I totally read thus out of order from the series, however I'm glad I kept it in my back pocket so to speak, for a rainy day.
I tried but just couldn't finish this book. The characters were too odd for my taste. However, after reading other people's reviews, obviously many found it entertaining. Thank you to First Reads for this copy.
I'm not sure why I am only giving this three stars. I liked all the stories; they were good, they were interesting, well-observed, compelling. I guess lately I have been lucky enough to read stuff that I really, really like, and in comparison this seems like a three star book to me. Again, I really wish GR had half stars because probably I would do three and a half. Ah well, it's just the internet.