
Or Livneh Livneh itibaren Білошапки, Чернігівська область, Україна itibaren Білошапки, Чернігівська область, Україна

Okuyucu Or Livneh Livneh itibaren Білошапки, Чернігівська область, Україна

Or Livneh Livneh itibaren Білошапки, Чернігівська область, Україна


We find out a little bit more about Lisbeth Salander in this "episode" of Stieg Larsson's trilogy. She's still a little bit off her rocker, but you learn a bit more about the events in her life responsible for that. This time, she's accused of a triple murder and everyone is scrambling to find her, find out whether she did it or not, if she did why, and what do all the other dead people have to do with it? I actually liked this in many ways better than the first book. In the suspense department alone it was much, much better. I'm still am having trouble resolving everything I've heard about Sweden (from people that have lived there) and these two books where all men are knuckle-dragging neanderthals and only women have any brains. On one hand I like it that women are the only smart ones, but on the other hand it doesn't speak well for the Swedes. I'm probably the last person on the planet to read these but if not, then anyone else listen up! DO NOT READ THESE OUT OF ORDER. (and). YOU MUST READ ALL THREE. Now shush y'all --- I'm listening to #3.