
Itzel Aldama Aldama itibaren Texas itibaren Texas

Okuyucu Itzel Aldama Aldama itibaren Texas

Itzel Aldama Aldama itibaren Texas


Bu, birçok kez tekrar okuduğum bir kitap ve beni her zaman acı acı bir depresyon hissi bırakıyor. Tıpkı bir lise romanı gibi başlar, daha sonra ham duygu, heyecan verici yüksekler ve kalp atışı düşükleri hakkında daha derinlemesine araştırma yapar. Ne kadar ezberlediğim önemli değil.


tamam da ... bu yüzden !!!


This is a YA title. I read this book in one day, was immediately pulled in by Lia's story. It was sad, tragic and infuriating all at the same time. I think there are a lot of readers who can relate in some way to this story. My only criticism is the fact that the adults in the story are portrayed as horrible, when in reality they were just human. I wasn't clear if this was just Lia's perspective or if the author wanted us to walk away angry with her parents and counselors. Not sure they deserved that level of blame.


And yet another great Picoult book! This is a very touching one.


it is awesone


I did not like these plays. I think that the main reason for that is because I was forced to read and teach them for my student teaching. I did not really teach anything else because we went very slowly, which made my student teaching experience fulfilling, at least content wise.