
Luis Enrique Ortega P Enrique Ortega P itibaren lubelski itibaren lubelski

Okuyucu Luis Enrique Ortega P Enrique Ortega P itibaren lubelski

Luis Enrique Ortega P Enrique Ortega P itibaren lubelski


Good story but a bit formulaic.


I like food. I like reading about food. But I get cranky when authors wax self-righteous and tell me about all the terrible things that will happen to me if I keep eating the way I'm eating and explain that if I will only limit my diet to twigs gathered within a block of my house, I will achieve enlightenment. Mark Bittman manages to educate about food without being preachy, contribute to the ongoing dialogue about how the global economy and capitalism influence the way we eat (and why we're fat and unhealthy) AND not make me feel like a hopeless slug. As he says, "eating badly, in the modern American style, is not a physical addition, like smoking, drinking, or heroin; you can recover from an off day the next day, with no lingering ill effects, even psychological ones." And he includes recipes that are easy to make, and good for you, and damn tasty. In the usual Bittman style, he offers basic recipes and then multiple variations.