J itibaren Бирлик, Kazakhstan
Oh my gosh. This book was totally awesome. I know I haven't upadated in a while but I still had to put up a review. I was completely sucked in from the beginning. I loved how characters from the past books like Alex, Brittny, Carlos, and Kiara were kept and comtinued to be a big part of the plot. I loved how Luis and Nikki had a conection from the very beginning. That is something I don't think happened to the other two couples. I liked how they had met when they were younger so had to be a flash foward. That was something new that I enjoiyed reading. There was a good amount of action in this book at the end that I liked a lot because the girl was completely involved in the gang stuff instead of only partially in the background. The epilogue in this book was in my opinion the best one yet. That could have been it's own book entirely. I would read it if something like that came out. I can't say what it is about but you will totally understand when you get there.