
Serapion Kain Kain itibaren Loving, TX 76460, USA itibaren Loving, TX 76460, USA

Okuyucu Serapion Kain Kain itibaren Loving, TX 76460, USA

Serapion Kain Kain itibaren Loving, TX 76460, USA


This book tells the super creepy story of some crazy Fundamentalist Mormans who murdered their brother's wife and baby and also tells a number of violent stories from Mormonism's past. The official church came down pretty hard on it when it came out, but in my opinion it's not in any way anti-Morman and the Fundamentalists it discusses are way outside of the Morman Church anyway. It's a good read but the murder descriptions still creep me out and I read it a month ago. Sometimes the author's tone drips into a weird informality as he casually inserts weak jokes into the text.