
Alexandr Tulupov Tulupov itibaren Texas itibaren Texas

Okuyucu Alexandr Tulupov Tulupov itibaren Texas

Alexandr Tulupov Tulupov itibaren Texas


"Her şeyi fark eden" utangaç bir çocuk ve Başyapıt'ın kalbindeki gizemi çözmek için inanılmaz derecede sanatsal bir böcek olan en iyi arkadaşı gerekir. "Kovalayan Vermeer" ve "Fare ve Motosiklet" hayranları için. Bazı sanatsal tarih ve mini sanat takdir bitleri, hedef kitlenin bazılarında kaybolabilir, ancak bunun genç okuyucuların keyfinden mahrum olacağını düşünmüyorum.


I love this book. It is a story about a boy named Hector who goes on an adventure to save a boy, Arath, from the past! I highly recommend this book!


I believe this book could be read by anyone about 11 years old or older and all would find ejoyment and insight. It is about a girl who could fly(duh) and the trouble and adventure this brings to her. It reminded me of how the special talents we all had when we were young, might have been lost or forgotten as we grew older and as we all were kneeded into the normalcy of society. It got me thinking that I should take a time out from normal here and there and try to re-kindle some old talents. I also like the message of "It's O.K. to be different". We all need to be reminded of that from time to time. It ends as if there will be a sequel. I hope so!