
Envy Designs Designs itibaren Čehovice, 捷克共和國 itibaren Čehovice, 捷克共和國

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Envy Designs Designs itibaren Čehovice, 捷克共和國


I really like stephen king - his books like The Green Mile, and the Stand were BIG books, but so rich on fantactsic detail, they seemed to fly by. This one, though again just as rich and complex, was a little too heavy on the psychological aspect. Maybe I was just expecting something different after Tommyknockers.


I liked it except for the whole spider part, I just skipped those pages


I bought it on impulse at Borders, and read it while waiting for my spaghetti to boil. It's not bad at all - most of the advice seems quite sound. Like Proust and many other authors, he considers romantic love a disease. The single best tip: when in doubt, think about what Mom would like. Remember that she's a girl too! But on reflection, I began to wonder whether this didn't give away an important clue about the true authorship of the book. OK, I'm prepared to believe that a smart 9 year old could have written a fair amount of it himself. Some parts are just too slick though. Would someone that age really suggest that you should cut down on sugar if you're too hyper? Or phrase it that way if he did? So I think Alec got some help, and I'm even prepared to guess who his co-author is. I think it's a girl. A somewhat older one...