
Kshitij Choudhary Choudhary itibaren Sutton, Doncaster, South Yorkshire DN6 9LB, UK itibaren Sutton, Doncaster, South Yorkshire DN6 9LB, UK

Okuyucu Kshitij Choudhary Choudhary itibaren Sutton, Doncaster, South Yorkshire DN6 9LB, UK

Kshitij Choudhary Choudhary itibaren Sutton, Doncaster, South Yorkshire DN6 9LB, UK


Alan Bradley is simply brilliant! Flavia de Luce, the eleven year old protagonist, accepts the realities of her less than ideal circumstance with a sardonic humor, insight and imagination that is refreshing and wickedly funny. When two puppeteers become stranded in Bishops Lacey, Flavia is enlisted in the aid of their requirements; an assigned pseudo-hostess for their stay in the village and subsequent puppet show. After one of the puppeteers has an 'unfortunate rendezvous with electricity' Flavia is more than interested in assisting Inspector Hewitt with the investigation. It's a decadent pleasure to slip into Flavia's confidence as she makes her way through the world of Buckshaw and Bishops Lacey, always with an eye on the prize of furthering her passion for chemistry research. A really fun series.


** spoiler alert ** Really intriguing mystery plot, but the H is emotionally stunted. He's a thirty-six-year-old who literally runs away in jealousy when he sees the h kissing another man chastely on the cheek. Give me a break! Not my idea of a strong, memorable H, but, as I said, the suspense was top-notch!