
Sale Adamantium Adamantium itibaren Venustiano Carranza itibaren Venustiano Carranza

Okuyucu Sale Adamantium Adamantium itibaren Venustiano Carranza

Sale Adamantium Adamantium itibaren Venustiano Carranza


I found this novel to be pretty interesting. It didn't blow me away nor was it as funny as the movie, but it was pretty insightful. Women are the fairer, albeit really confusing, sex. The main character Rob Fleming always seems to have problems having relationships with them. What better way to understand yourself or why you get women to eventually hate you than by examining past relationships? He had a passion for music, and it got in the way of the girls he dated. The moral of the story is that you shouldn't have a love for things that aren't your girlfriends because they need constant attention, true story. Just kidding. Or am I? (Suspenseful music plays.)