
Bernelle Visser Visser itibaren Gmina Rypin itibaren Gmina Rypin

Okuyucu Bernelle Visser Visser itibaren Gmina Rypin

Bernelle Visser Visser itibaren Gmina Rypin


Very well-written and thorough; it's amazing how little has changed in the discourse of urban structure in nearly fifty years. Jacobs' argument is extremely thorough. Her ideas seem quaint and idealistic on the surface, but she backs up her theories with detailed logic. While she might not have the hard statistics to illustrate every point, she uses a more comprehensive argument to show the way that planners of the time (mid-20th century) misinterpret the hard data anyway. The final few chapters are the weakest as they become more rhetorical and abstract attempting to explain the framework with which city problems should analyzed. The main theses of the book are tightly argued while presented in a conversational, albeit sometimes too angry, tone.


A very long book - and initially I was anticipating the ongoing story-lines until suddenly it was taking me by surprise and I was almost gasping with the twists and turns! I was disappointed with the ending - but that's not to say the ending was bad ... it was just not as I'd hoped!