
J itibaren Surlingham, Norwich, Norfolk NR14, İngiltere itibaren Surlingham, Norwich, Norfolk NR14, İngiltere

Okuyucu J itibaren Surlingham, Norwich, Norfolk NR14, İngiltere

J itibaren Surlingham, Norwich, Norfolk NR14, İngiltere


Bu kitaptan nefret etmek istedim, ama ona aşık oldum. Yazarın acısını gerçekten hissediyorsunuz ve tecavüzün herhangi bir yerde herhangi birinin başına gelebileceğini anlıyorsunuz.


Bu, şimdiye kadar dinlediğim ilk sesli kitap, işe gidip gelmem için beni isteksiz hale getirdi! Akşam yemeği sırasında her gece Tim'e ne öğrendiğimi söylerdim. Çoğunlukla, tamamen büyüleyici. Bir kesinlikle sahip olmak ve çocuklarım olduğunda başvurmak istiyorum.


I ended up sobbing throughout several parts of this book. I can't imagine the tragedy she endured and yet she triumphed over it all and had a beautiful life. It was a pretty amazing story and very powerful as most stories based on real-life events are. What set it down from 5 to 4 for me was the completely unnecessary sexual content. I understand things happen and it's all part of the circle of life, but I don't need to experience the graphic details!


Best of the Divine Comedy, I think.


Persian. (I tried the english version but I couln't understand the negros so I gave up) You wanna know what's my idea about this book? Just ask my dad! ;) He always says Rhett is my hero and often asks me what Rhett Butler thinks about this? :)) In fact he is right. Rhett is one of my most favorite characters and I realy love him and sometimes I do say his opinion about things. I don't know why, although I don't like people so rebel as him, there is something inchanting abot this character which is always interesting to me. Every time I read this book, I realy envy the author cause this book is so complete and well structured that you can add o detele anything of it. And every time I just say please please, this time, end it happily!


I don't know what's wrong with me. How am I not liking SEP these days? I'm hoping it's just because I'm reading older titles and not that I've completely outgrown the genre because I've really loved almost all of her titles. That said, this one wasn't terrible. It was just... that predictable. But it's romance, so really, what kind of unpredictability can I expect? Meh.


This is only the second book I've read by Hemmingway. I'm amazed at the way he blends Spanish with English. There were several parts of this book that gave me chills. There is a rather weird love story that doesn't really work... but I hear that Hemmingway has issues with that stuff. I have heard that he was very sexist, but in this book I don't see that. Pilar is one of the strongest, most fascinating characters in any book I have read.