
Hamansahdin Othman Othman itibaren Mamblas itibaren Mamblas

Okuyucu Hamansahdin Othman Othman itibaren Mamblas

Hamansahdin Othman Othman itibaren Mamblas


"Room" is a book about the bond between a mother and son, and their survival in the room where "Old Nick" keeps them. At the beginning of the book, you're constantly wondering who Ma and Jack are, who "Old Nick" is, and how they got there. As you get to know the characters, you are sympathetic to their situation, and respect "Ma" for how deeply she cares for her son, and how she tries to make the best out of the situation they're in. And you also feel grateful for the life you have...and had as a child. I thought the ending was just right and the author did a good job tying all the facts throughout the story together.


This book articulated a lot of my feelings about food and the food industry and I feel better educated not only with regards to the failings of nutritionism, but how to actually go about feeling more in control of what and how I eat. I've already looked up local CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) programs, which are an awesome idea.