
Maarten Hof Hof itibaren Los Garzones, Montería, Montería, Córdoba, Colombia itibaren Los Garzones, Montería, Montería, Córdoba, Colombia

Okuyucu Maarten Hof Hof itibaren Los Garzones, Montería, Montería, Córdoba, Colombia

Maarten Hof Hof itibaren Los Garzones, Montería, Montería, Córdoba, Colombia


Yes, it's stupid and commercial, but I LOVE it. I just reread it for the nth time. It makes me laugh out loud. And I like the sappy movie too.


This was a book that made me remember how good non-fiction can be. I asked myself why I had not heard about the main subject of the book, a serial killer who called himself H.H. Holmes, before. I also found the American History concerning the Worlds Fair in Chicago to be fascinating as well. I think my American History has been limited to Civil and Independence War stuff since I grew up in England, but this really captured my interest. This was written like fiction with certain things being left up to the reader to imagine which was actually quite terrifying last thing at night (my favorite time to read). I might not recommend this as a good bedtime read but definitely any other time. Jack the Ripper has nothing on H.H. Holmes.