Katarzyna Gruszecka Gruszecka itibaren Baksa, Assam 781372, India
- quick read - read it cover to cover in under 5 hours - some interesting-looking recipes - why the hell do I keep reading these? They aren't that well-written, and get more and more predictable (is a smart, well-written chick lit/mystery too much to ask for?). At least they bump up my book count for the year.
Sadly, I don't read much. This is one of the only books I've read through cover to cover with no long interruptions. Thats sounds like the beginning of a ringing endorsement but really that is just a fact. I don't know why I was able to read it so quickly. There was a lot of hoopla around AHWOSG back in the day. In my opinion more than it deserved. I think I was so able to read it because it reminded me of some stranger's Livejournal ( [http://www.livejournal.com] ). It was whiny and self involved but somehow interesting. The same way reality TV is interesting. I really wouldn't recommend this to anyone but I didn't hate it. I wouldn't recommend watching Armed and Famous ( [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Armed_&a...] ) to anyone either, but I watched it.