
Alonso Visual Visual itibaren Plangkrongan itibaren Plangkrongan

Okuyucu Alonso Visual Visual itibaren Plangkrongan

Alonso Visual Visual itibaren Plangkrongan


chicken-sized dinosaurs eat the rich old man at the end... written very much with the eventual film in mind, but still a good read. i got to it before i saw the movie though. probably no point if you've seen it. if you like Chrichton, read 'Travels'.


On the top of my shoulders sits a box made of bone. Within that box is a greyish organ with the texture of jelly, the size of a melon (canteloupe, not water) that controls pretty much everything that I do. Billions of microscopic connections allow me to generate thoughts, process input, communicate, control posture and interpret data with a speed that is not matched by the fastest and biggest computers we have yet invented. The brain is a phenomenon and should be a thing of constant marvel but we take it for granted as long as it does what we expect. Steven Pinker has written a fabulous, dense book to try and generate a level of knowledge about the Mind that increases the sense of wonder whilst explaining some of the processes involved.