
Seonyu Kim Kim itibaren 58760 Karayaprak Köyü/Hafik/Sivas, Turchia itibaren 58760 Karayaprak Köyü/Hafik/Sivas, Turchia

Okuyucu Seonyu Kim Kim itibaren 58760 Karayaprak Köyü/Hafik/Sivas, Turchia

Seonyu Kim Kim itibaren 58760 Karayaprak Köyü/Hafik/Sivas, Turchia


I was really glad to read this book. I've been feeling pretty lost since I graduated, and most recent graduates I know are having similar difficulties, but it's something the media seems to largely ignore. There's plenty about adolescence and teenage issues but then it just seems to stop. Maybe it's because the previous generation doesn't realize how much has changed between their early adulthood and ours. This book was written in 2001, but there are already some things that have changed. Several times it mentions the good economy and lack of unemployment, which is obviously no longer the case. Although there wasn't a whole lot of concrete advice in the book, there's a "sequel" now called Conquering your Quarterlife Crisis, which I may also read. It was reassuring to know that other people are experiencing similar things with transitioning out of college, in any case.


Creepy. Anything with little kids, meant to be horror or gothic is creepy.