
William Munhoz Alves Munhoz Alves itibaren Linevo, Volgogradskaya oblast', Rasha, 403770 itibaren Linevo, Volgogradskaya oblast', Rasha, 403770

Okuyucu William Munhoz Alves Munhoz Alves itibaren Linevo, Volgogradskaya oblast', Rasha, 403770

William Munhoz Alves Munhoz Alves itibaren Linevo, Volgogradskaya oblast', Rasha, 403770


REally good book but her writing is a little dry for me....I could feel the cold of her setting.


Kingkiller Chronicles: Day Two has been long awaited and is well worth the wait. At nearly 1000 pages, it is a story you won't want to put down and don't want to see end. It's an epic on the scale of Wheel of Time without all the extra (remarkable, yet dry) details and skirt smoothing; it's as adventurous as The Hobbit without the dwarves; and, in my opinion, is destined to live among the literary ranks with other legendary sagas. As soon as I finished reading the tome (what else are you gonna call 900+ pages in hardcover?), I was tempted to return to Day One, The Name of the Wind, and begin the adventure all over again. At times I found the story almost academic fantasy and at other times full to the brim with adventure. I even found myself holding my breath during some daring deeds. Patrick Rothfuss' second novel is something truly amazing. If you are a fan of the genre, I suggest no passing up this series or waiting for it to conclude before beginning to read the series. If you love epics, it is especially suggested to jump on this bandwagon (Edema Ruh wagon?) and join in the raucous singing. Now please excuse me, I have the sudden urge to go find my violin and begin practicing again.