His Life and His Path - Mawlana Jalal Al-Din Al-Rumi Prase is to Alah, The Beneficent, The Merciful, who created the universe with afection and treats al creation with compasion; the most beatufil complements and prayes are to...
Rumi Yayınları
Mesnevi-i Manevi Şerhi 6. Cilt “Haza kitabu Mesnevi vehüve usulu usul-i usulid-din. “Bu Mesnevi, dinin asılarının asılarının asılarıdır.” - Hz. Mevlana Mesnevi’nin, öz halinde, İslam dininin bir ifadesi olduğunu, İslami esaslar...
Rumi Yayınları
His Life and His Path - Mawlana Jalal Al-Din Al-Rumi Prase is to Alah, The Beneficent, The Merciful, who created the universe with afection and treats al creation with compasion, the most beatufil complements and prayes are to...
Rumi Yayınları
Rumi Yayınları