Yazar : Genç Timaş
Alp Emergency Tunga - Unutulmayan Kağan Beş kitaptan oluşan DESTAN YAZANLAR serisi, modern yaşamda information superhighway ve televizyon ekseninde kendi kültürel değerlerini unutma noktasına gelen çocuk ve gençlerimize, azim, çalışkanlık, vefa, adalet, uyum, cesaret ve hoşgörü gibi değerlerle bezenmiş kahramanlık öyküleri ile alternatif rol modeler oluşturuyor. Gençler, İstanbul Kapıları’na dayanan, zindanlara düşen, kılık değiştirerek zorlu yolculuklar yapan Batal Gazi’nin Karahanlı ülkesinde İslamiyet’i yayarken sabrı ve cesaretiyle tüm dünyaya örnek olan Satuk Buğra Han’ın, Tüm zorluklar karşısında ülkesini savunmaktan vazgeçmeyen ve yüzyılar boyu okunan ağıtlarda ismi yankılanan Alp Emergency Tunga’nın, Ünlü Kır At’ıyla beraber Anadolu’da haksızlıklarla mücadele shangri-la efsanevi Köroğlu’nun Birbirini seven iki gencin evliliğini engelemek isteyenlere, bu uğurda gönderilen binlerce kişilik ordulara karşı görülmemiş bir cesaretle savaşan Danişment Gazi’nin nefes kesici maceralarını okuyacakları bu diziyi kolay kolay elerinden bırakamayacaklar.
Alp Er Tunga - Unutulmayan Kağan
24 of 24 people found the following review helpful: 5.0 out of 5 stars Very informative book on a unique training method!, March 19, 2007 By Shawn Kovacich "Author of the Achieving Kicki... (The Greatest Little City in the World) Being the author of several books on the martial arts and fighting, I am always looking for books of exceptional quality to add to my library. If I have a book in my library, it's definitely worth owning. One such book is Harry Wong's, "Dynamic Tension." I have owned this book for over 20 years and have not only used the specific exercises contained within it, but I have also adapted the techniques for several different exercises that I not only use, but also teach in my classes. Harry starts off his book by pointing out the benefits that can be obtained through using this method compared to the more conventional method of weightlifting. Some of the benefits described are as follows: 1. Increased physical strength. 2. Improvement in your balance. 3. Improvement in your flexibility. 4. Increased body awareness. 5. The ability to heighten all five or your senses through force of concentration. 6. No injuries from lifting weights improperly. This is followed by a very in-depth section on mental preparation and breathing. Harry stresses that you must breathe correctly not only during the performance of every exercise, but also during every moment of life. Although it may seem like a funny or somewhat absurd statement, we seem to lose our ability to breathe correctly as we get older. This is a bad habit that can be unlearned and should be in order to enhance your every day life. The mental preparation section covers such things as; 1. Define your goals. 2. Having a positive mental attitude no matter what you are doing. 3. No matter what you are doing, have fun doing it. 4. Free your mind of negative thoughts. 5. Focus completely on your body and the exercise you are doing. 6. Have proper body posture during all exercises. 7. Concentrate on each individual body part for that particular exercise. 8. As hard as you focus during an exercise, you must totally relax after it is done. 9. Breathe properly during each and every exercise. The following section gives you some of the basic principles that should be followed when you are warming up. Harry then gives you a brief overview of some of the basic warm-up exercises that you should perform prior to executing any of the "dynamic tension" exercises featured in this book. Now here is the meat and potatoes of this entire book, the dynamic tension exercises, which covers 24 different exercises for everything from your neck, chest, upper body, and arms to your legs. Each exercise follows the same outline in providing you with the following information: 1. Description of the exercise. 2. Number of repetitions you should perform. 3. The count for each exercise. 4. The effects of each exercise. 5. Variations of the main exercise. 6. The martial arts benefits of each exercise. This book then finishes up with a brief section on training. Included in this section are; 1. Exercise routines for beginner, intermediate, and advanced users. 2. How to set-up a time and place to train. 3. How to do a self-evaluation. This book offers another great alternative to the standard forms of exercising. I have even modified these exercises and incorporated the principles behind them into my own training routine. I now utilize this type of exercise while doing my forms, practicing combinations (whether it be hand and/or foot combinations), or as a compliment to my normal weight lifting routine. I highly recommend that you buy and practice the exercises in this book. If you do, you will notice an improvement in your overall physical abilities. I personally saw results after about 6 weeks of training.
2022-08-31 13:59
This was an amazing book. It really brought home to me what these animals go through in some of these testing labs that use chimps. But it strikes a hopeful and positive note in seeing how they can recover from the trauma when given an opportunity to live in a loving and healthy environment.
2020-08-14 08:14
Naipaul is ultimately more cynical and derisive than he is revealing, and this book is a prime example. At best, there some kind of enchantment you experience when he lines the words up just right, but more often you wonder why he bothers at all since everything is so screwed. Perhaps my discontent with this work has to do with my understanding of (or hope for) the human condition. This book allows little of that really, except for the peculiar speech included at the end where he weighs in on the "universal civilization" as it deems it, while never truly defining it. My interpretation is that this is 'Western civilisation' in its most tolerant of manifestations. What a wholly unsatisfying addendum, which raise more questions about the author's loyalty to American and British publishers, that it answers or postulates about just about anything. I suppose it doesn't help that in person he happens to be supremely disagreeable and arrogant and apparently believes that his work, as with all literature is "not for children" as he informed an initially eager audience of high-school students during a recent visit to his homeland, Trinidad and Tobago.
2020-08-13 19:50
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