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Aşkın Celladı ve Diğer Psikoterapi Öyküleri (Kapak değişebilir) PDF kitap ücretsiz indir

Aşkın Celladı ve Diğer Psikoterapi Öyküleri (Kapak değişebilir) PDF kitap ücretsiz indir

Aşkın Celladı ve Diğer Psikoterapi Öyküleri (Kapak değişebilir) PDF kitap indir veya çevrimiçi dinle

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Satın alacağınız ürünün kapak görseli katalogtaki ile farklılık gösterebilir Saul, Stockholm'den gelen ve açamadığı üç mektuptan dolayı niye acı çekiyordu? Thelma'yı geçmişteki bir aşk macerasına bu kadar bağlayan şey neydi? Carlos'un maço fantezileri, onu yavaş yavaş öldüren kanseri kabullenmesine nasıl yardımcı oldu? Elinizdeki bu kitapta, psikoterapist Irvin D. Yalom'un yalnızlık, ölüm korkusu, yaşama amacını yitirme gibi, aslında hiçbirimizin tamamen kaçamayacağı temel insanlık kaygılarından rahatsız olan hastalarıyla yaptığı çalışmalardan seçtiği,on ilginç öykü bulacaksınız. Daha fazla göster

Aşkın Celladı ve Diğer Psikoterapi Öyküleri (Kapak değişebilir) PDF, FB2 kitap indir veya çevrimiçi dinle

  • Yazar:
  • Yayımcı: Remzi Kitabevi; 31. basım
  • Yayın tarihi:
  • kapak:
  • Dil: Türkçe
  • ISBN-10:
  • ISBN-13:
  • boyutlar: 13.7 x 2.2 x 19.8 cm
  • Ağırlık:
  • Ciltli:312 sayfa
  • Dizi:
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  • Yaş:
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Kitap eleştirileri

Aşkın Celladı ve Diğer Psikoterapi Öyküleri (Kapak değişebilir)


4.5 Stars I am a totally biased reviewer as this book contains all the elements of science fiction that I adore. Part space opera, part thriller, dabs of physics, and even some post apoc to tie it all together. A tight, fast paced plot line keeps you turning the pages. There is some great action, some cool science, and far out gadgets to make you want more. This was my first Gibson novel, what have I been waiting for? His style comes across as being similar to Greg Bear's accessible science fiction, and he even would be considered similar to a simplified Alastair Reynolds. There is a great deal of science in this book, but it would appeal to more than just the hardcore space junkies, it is not overly technical at all. This book is centered around Saul, an ASI agent that is charged with finding answers, hung out to dry as the fall guy, and put on the most wanted list, by the books end. He is a centered agent that has been working very hard at trying to find out who is responsible for the collapse of the Galileo worm hole. Saul's life has literally been on hold as with the collapse, he was separated from his wife and daughter. 10 years have passed since the incident, the repairs finally near completion. Mitchell Stone is an interesting focus of this story. Gibson provides us with several interesting plot twists involving Mitchell. There are many other great side characters and Gibson is not afraid to change the POV frequently. What I liked most about Gibson's structure was that he never stayed away from the main story line for too long a time. The book plays out like a thriller or as others have said like a great FPS video game. As the book progresses, the plot unfolds into the end of the world scenario, where are heroes have to try and save the world. Saying that Saul goes through a lot would be a bit of an understatement. The book builds up nicely to a strong ending. Gibson leaves plenty of things unanswered which to me, makes this book work even more. If you enjoy worm holes, time travel, gun toting, conspiracy centered, cool gadgets, end of the world doomsday, and a likable main protagonist, then this is the book for you. This is not a super technical science fiction and would probably be enjoyed by most action or thriller readers as well. I am now a fan of Gary Gibson.

2022-12-14 14:48


Another great tome to have around. Nobody creates mood and atmosphere like Poe.

2022-10-21 05:18

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