Yazar : Pegasus Yayınları
BİNLERCE HAYAT. BİNLERCE OLASILIK. TEK KADER. Zaman yoktu. Dakikalarım mı vardı, saniyelerim many-sidedness yoksa daha pigtails mı azı, bilmiyordum. Omzumda küçük bir çanta vardı. Elimi içine atınca kalem değilse de bir ruj buldum. Titreyen parmaklarla kapağını çıkardım ve ara sokaktaki duvara yapıştırılmış eski postere yazmaya başladım. Bu,iletmem gereken mesaj ve benden geriye bir şey kalmayınca hatırlamam gereken tek amaçtı: PAUL MARKOV’U ÖLDÜR. MARGUERITE STAFF dâhi fizikçi ebeveynleri sayesinde bilimsel teorilerle büyümüştür. Ama hiçbiri, anesinin son icadı olan ve boyutlararası yolculuk yapmaya yarayan Ateşkuşu kadar şaşırtıcı değildir. Marguerite’in babası cinayete kurban gitiğinde tüm deliler tek kişiyi göstermektedir: Ebeveynlerinin gözde öğrencisi, sırlarla dolu Paul. Mükemel cinayeti işlemiş gibi görünen genç adam, polis ona ulaşamadan başka bir boyuta kaçar. Ama Marguerite’i hesaba katmamıştır. Genç kız çeşitli boyutlarda Paul’ün peşine düşer. Babasının cinayetinin arkasında yatan gerçekler yavaş yavaş gün yüzüne çıkarken Marguerite yaşanan ihaneti tekrarlamaya mahkûm olur. Genç kız bambaşka yaşamlardan geçerken –Çarlık Rusyası’nda bir grandüşes, fütüristik Londra’pigtails parti meraklısı bir yetim,okyanusun ortasındaki bir istasyonda yaşayan bir mülteci– tehlikeli olduğu kadar karşı konulmaz bir aşka kendini kaptıracaktır. “Macera, bilimkurgu ve romantizmin bu müthiş karışımı geniş kitlelere hitap edecek. ” Schol Atheneum Journal “Aksiyon dolu bir order kitap… Shaded bilimkurgu, tarih ve modern öğeler arasında yol alıyor. ” Publishers Wekly.
Bin Parça Sen:Ciltli - Claudia Gray
So far in my reading life, Steinbeck has been something of a mixed bag for me. I HATED "The Pearl," which was my first encounter with him, but that could very well be because my eighth grade English teacher made us read it three or four times over the course of studying it, which I did because I was a good little rule-follower. Again, this loathing could be misplaced and not Steinbeck's fault, but I do so detest "The Pearl." But I digress. My second encounter with Steinbeck was much better. The Grapes of Wrath was assigned as summer reading before my senior year of high school. At that point, I had a terrible track record with summer reading (despite being a rule-follower), probably because I was too busy reading what I WANTED to read during the summer rather than all the assigned reading which I diligently, and almost religiously, read during the school year. Imagine my surprise, then, when The Grapes of Wrath became not only the first summer reading book I ever actually finished but also was a book I rather enjoyed despite it coming from the same author who produced the oh-so-reprehensible "The Pearl." A while back (possibly years? my, time does fly), my book club read East of Eden. I didn't know quite how I felt about the novel and decided to reserve judgment until I could read it again over a shorter period of time. When the http://classics.rebeccareid.com/ announced a Steinbeck tour, I knew I had to participate. While contemplating what book to choose, I will admit to being heavily influenced in my selection by Lost; ultimately I chose Of Mice and Men because of Lost (if you want to know how Lost is connected to the novel, you can go here: http://lostpedia.wikia.com/wiki/Of_Mi.... But be warned: there are spoilers for the novel and, depending on how you see it, the show itself). If Of Mice and Men is about anything, it is about dreams. Specifically, it is about the dream that George and Lennie have to own their own piece of land that they can work, control, and belong to. This dream of owning their own farm is really a thinly veiled desire for home and belonging, and it is their dream as a representation of home and belonging that becomes so appealing to other characters in the novel (especially Candy, an old, soon-to-lose-his-usefullness farmhand and Crooks, the ostracized Black stable hand). In typical Steinbeck fashion, however, this dream is not easily achieved, and many, many obstacles stand in the way of George and Lennie getting their farm. Ironically, Lennie, who thinks about and clings to this dream more than anyone else in the novel, himself is probably the biggest and most consistent obstacle to achieving the dream. He longs to have rabbits he can care for, he is constantly telling George how he can't wait to live off the "fatta the land," and he is very, very strong, but Lennie has the mind and understanding of a child and often finds himself in trouble without knowing why. George, for reasons left unrevealed to the reader. takes care of Lennie, tries to protect him, and, ultimately, shows him kindness and love, but even he can't keep Lennie from destroying the possibility of achieving their dream. I was reminded of two other works of fiction while reading Of Mice and Men: The Heart is a Lonely Hunger, by Carson McCullers, and East of Eden, by John Steinbeck. George and Lennie's relationship made me think about John Singer's friendship with Spiros Antanopolos; there's not really much of a comparison there, but this friendship from McCullers' novel popped into my mind several times as I read Of Mice and Men. It was the character of Crooks that reminded me of East of Eden. Like he does with Lee in East of Eden, Steinbeck writes Crooks to directly contradict many of the racial stereotypes and prejudices that would have been prevalent in the 1930s. Both Lee (a Chinese man) and Crooks (a Black man) are atypical according to stereotype, and I wondered while reading about Crooks, as I did while reading about Lee, what Steinbeck was trying to do with these two characters. I'd love to read more about it, so if you know of some resources, please let me know! Overall, I really enjoyed this novel, which makes my Steinbeck experience more positive than negative or ambiguous. I think this would be a great introduction to Steinbeck (unlike "The Pearl"...okay, I'll stop complaining about "The Pearl" now): it showcases his writing style (there are some truly beautiful descriptions), it is set in California, a place he comes back to again and again, it deals with the struggling working American man, and many of the themes and ideas touched upon in the novel are expressed and fleshed out in Steinbeck's longer works.
2022-10-21 05:45
This book started off kinda slow and took me a little bit to get into but ended with bang. can't wait for number 3!
2022-10-04 02:57
I knew nothing at all about this book when it jumped off the New Books shelf of the library into my hand. It stayed in my hand because I saw it was set in Sicily. My father came from Sicily when he was a boy, just a few years younger than the boy in this story. Okay, so I was sucked in by the biographical connection. But that’s not the reason I stayed. This is a delightful little book. The year he turns 13, a Sicilian boy is tricked by his jealous brothers, ala Joseph of the Bible, and ends up captured by bandits. The bandit/cook/housekeeper in their hideout in the hills takes him under her wing and he becomes her helper. Her nurturing kindness is vividly portrayed by descriptions of the rough, yet delicious-sounding Sicilian peasant food she cooks up. Our boy is nothing if not wily and intelligent. Watched over by the housekeeper, who guides him even when he doesn’t know he’s being guiding, he manages to extricate himself from this situation filled with violence. It’s beautifully written. A joy.
2020-12-26 06:29
Gerçekten buna giremedim - Sesli kitap sürümünü dinliyordum ve uykuya dalmaya devam ettim ....
2020-01-23 13:32
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Yazar: Pegasus Yayınları
Uçabilen bir kız ve her şeyi bilen bir çocuk. Kehanete göre bu iki çocuk, büyük bir değişimin öncüsü olacak… Conrad çok zekidir ama dâhi olmak değil, sadece normal bir hayat sürmek ister. Onun aksine, başkan seçilen babası...
Yazar: Pegasus Yayınları
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Yazar: Pegasus Yayınları
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