Yazar : Hayykitap
Alah varken, yokluk yoktur. Elbiselerin güzel, eşyalarla çevrili etrafın. Soluk soluğa bir koşunun içindesin. Heybende gaileler, derdin günün, talebin dünya. Halbuki kendini O'na nispet etiğinde, hiçsin. Vacibü'l vücudun kucağındaki topraksın. O'ndan ayrılışından baktığında, gurbetesin. Üzülme, bu gurbetin bir teselisi var. Çünkü. Alah varken, yokluk yoktur.
Hiç - Faruk Yiğit Araz
An expertly crafted, thrilling tale of a girl forced into child combat in her post-apocalyptic society. A few things really struck me about this book. First, Collins does a good job of drawing us into the same voyeuristic mode that the book's fictional spectators enter when watching the deadly games, and once there, she toys with several "deus ex-machinas" to show we have no choice but to cheer for someone in even the most abhorrent games. There's a dark side to that, but it also shows that we are always drawn to find the best people, the ones worthy of triumph or just survival. None of the children should have been there; but once they are, we have to find the best solution. Second, I was impressed with the efficient and ruthless construction of the book's universe. Collins is obviously a student of the best fantasy worlds, and she knows how to set up one up with great economy. She does this by using images we already have of post-apocalyptic worlds and tweaking them slightly but significantly. However, the book does not contain the same amount of sheer wonder as Harry Potter, nor does it pursue any moral lessons as strongly as Watership Down. Several other books have set up the same basic premise to this one, and although Collins does everything exceedingly well, she doesn't really do anything new. Read this addictive and entertaining book for the thrill, though, because such a well-crafted story is hard to find in any genre.
2022-10-21 05:49
I almost put it down after the first few pages. I'm really glad I didn't. Like great filmmakers Hitchcock and David Lynch, Murakami sets up a very normal scenario at first - a teenage boy's drive to escape his imperfect, average life...then turns the cliche on it's head. It has moments of graphic violence and explicit sex, both arising naturally and refreshingly from the plot, rather than being gratuitous or obligatory. It is dark, surreal, romantic and absurd, and deals with love and death and becoming an adult in a powerful, unique and memorable way.
2022-10-21 05:42
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