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Matematik Yolculuğu :3 Doğal Sayılarla Çıkarma İşl PDF kitap ücretsiz indir

Matematik Yolculuğu :3 Doğal Sayılarla Çıkarma İşl PDF kitap ücretsiz indir

Matematik Yolculuğu :3 Doğal Sayılarla Çıkarma İşl PDF kitap indir veya çevrimiçi dinle

Yazar :

"Sözcüklerin yanında resimler, grafikler ve semboler kulanmak matematiksel iletişimin en aktif öğrenme süreçleridir. Matematik Yolculuğu Dizisi tüm bu matematiksel kavramları, headache çözme ve akıl yürütme süreçlerini en anlaşılır biçimde ifadelendiren ve çözen bir çalışma olarak ortaya çıktı. Çocuklarımızın korkmadan, matematik yolculuğundan keyif alması dileğiyle. ".

Matematik Yolculuğu :3 Doğal Sayılarla Çıkarma İşl PDF, FB2 kitap indir veya çevrimiçi dinle

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  • Dil: Türkçe
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  • boyutlar: Normal Boy
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  • Fiyat: 10,00 TL

Kitap eleştirileri

Matematik Yolculuğu :3 Doğal Sayılarla Çıkarma İşl


The premise of this book is so absolutely absurd that it took me a while to get around to reading it. In the end my love of Sophie Kinsella convinced me to give it a chance and I'm glad I did. The idea of a twenty-something Londoner being haunted by her dead great aunt is ridiculous. But if you give in to that concept and read it, it will be thoroughly enjoyable. I found myself laughing out loud so many times and wincing at some of the more embarrassing points. It's not my favorite Sophie Kinsella book but fans of her work and chick lit fans won't be disappointed.

2022-10-21 05:48


Love Cynthia Eden, she has a fresh original take on the PN aspect of her world. Her books are fast paced, flow seamlessly, and leave you craving more. Keep an eye on her, she's about to be one of the BIG names, up there with Cole & Showalter. I totally dig the Night Watch world. I love the shifters. Lucas was no exception. When Eden writes a bad-ass she holds nothing back, it's awesome. Lucas is loyal, tough, tortured past (one of my faves), and sexy as all get out. Sarah... hmmm, I didn't hate her, but I didn't love her either. She was a bit too manipulative for my tastes. Like suddenly she was in love with Lucas, but with no pivotal "turning point". It was weird, and kinda displaced. There were a few parts that were confusing, but I think that is only because so many new characters were being introduced. Jordan, Piers, and Dane were all studs in their own right. Dane was clearly my favorite, loyal to his Alpha, tortured past... all that good stuff. I can't wait for each of their stories. It looks like we're set up for a book from each. Squee!!!

2022-10-21 05:21


Welcome Home, Cowboy by Karen Templeton is a romance that has been making itself known in my trolling sessions for books to be added to my to-be-read mountain of books. What propelled me to stop everything I was doing and completely immerse myself in this book was the fact that this one seems to have got great reviews and of course being a RITA award winner of 2011 just sealed the deal for me. Cash Cochran returns home to Tierra Rosa almost 20 years after he leaves home and his abusive father behind. A country musician by profession, Cash is a man with enough torturedness in his soul that practically bleeds out of him when he comes face to face with his childhood home, now owned by his childhood best friend Lee Manning. Cash hopes to hash things out with Lee only to find his pregnant and widowed wife Emma holding the fort with two kids and a grandmother in law with her brood of cats, that reaches into something deep inside of Cash that he has no knowledge of and squeezes it tight until he can't help but yearn for things better left unsaid. From the moment Emma lays her eyes on Cash, all her emotions clamor to give him the comfort and peace that he seems to be in such dire need of. And when Cash decides to help out at the farm intending to sort out how he feels with Emma's narration of events that completely turns upside down what he has believed all his life, Emma knows that she and her brood are in deep trouble if Cash's tender nature that emerges is anything to judge him by. As the daily grind of the farm life brings them closer, both Emma and Cash realize that there is much more at stake than just their hearts alone and with Cash clamoring to leave as soon as Emma is able to get a handle on things after giving birth, Emma knows that there is no point in asking him to stay. It is when Cash's past beckons him and takes him away that Cash realizes the true meaning of the word home as he finds that and so much more with Emma and her family. I loved the emotion that practically seeped through the pages right from the very start. Even the first couple of chapters felt like an emotional minefield and that sets the tone of the story till the very end. But through it all, Karen still manages to give the reader the beauty that is in loving and in hoping for better things in life as Cash seems to finally find in Emma and her family. One of the things that struck me (in a good way of course) was how different Karen's voice is from most of the romance authors. She brings to light different quirks about her characters and their backgrounds without going into a deep narration of sorts but rather places an interesting hint here and there which allows the reader to draw his or her own conclusions which in turn makes the story that much more riveting and fun. There is no character that you wouldn't fall in love with if you pick up Welcome Home, Cowboy. From Cash with his silver eyes that tries to hide his inner turmoil and pain to Emma who can't help but want to reach deep inside of Cash and fix things for him to Emma's adorable children Hunter and Zoey, whose point of view in the story just made me smile the entire time to the very quirky character we find in Grandmother Annie, the whole story is filled with well rounded characters that just totally invaded my heart and laid siege on it right from beginning. And last but not the least, a special mention has to be made of Emma's character that just invites a man to want her for herself. She is beautiful inside and out, entirely comfortable with who she is and the best thing about her is her sense of hope and optimism that everything will turn out to be alright in the end. The way she loves so wholeheartedly is the best thing about Emma and she is definitely ending up as a favorite heroine of mine. Welcome Home, Cowboy is a romance everyone ought to read, just to experience the pull on the emotions that this one does so effectively. Highly recommended! Rating=4.5/5 Original review posted on MBR's Realm of Romance

2022-10-01 06:43

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