Yazar : Ailem Yayınları
Sorulu - Cevaplı Temel Dini Bilgiler-Kolektif İman İmanın Şartları İslam'ın Şartları İbadet Mülkelef Abdest Namaz Namaz Duaları Namaz Sureleri Cemat ile Namaz Mübarek Gün ve Geceler Oruç Zekat Hac Kurban Ahlak Edep 32 Farz / 54 Farz Büyük Günahlar (Arka Kapak).
Sorulu - Cevaplı Temel Dini Bilgiler-Kolektif
This books was written to explain everything: how you and your company and the world function and why. It looked like some strange pseudo-science in the beginning, with all the vague terminology and bizarre schemes and unmotivated switches between lower- and upper case, and this impression had not changed by the time I finished. The terms never get precise definitions, the schemes are at best metaphors drawn, it would go without them, many scientific-looking sentences are weird wrappings around quite obvious statements. All around the book you find sentences like "The New ALPHA reflects the consolidation of the ideas and insights from BETA and GAMMA through DELTA Surge. The Change Variations that stream from the BETA Condition are softer and more pliable than the hard, anger-driven upsurges out of the GAMMA Trap". You will not find definitions of ALPHA or DELTA Surge or whatever. Instead, there are page-long descriptions of what might indicate that there is the ALPHA (BETA, DELTA) time in your company. And what the two sentences mean is basically that there are times when no changes are needed, but once there is some need for changes then first changes are kind of needed and then really needed and then they happen and then things are kind of stable again. And when changes are really-really needed but have not happened yet then some people get agitated and things may go wrong. Would you be interested in a book written like that? I guess not. But the pseudo-scientific sugar does not add more essence.
2022-10-06 15:24
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