Yazar : Hayal Yayınları
Üstüme Devrilen Masalar "Bu uzak kule sizin uzağınızOysa dışarıdan zindan görünenİçeriden mahkûmun yuvasıdır Ben hiçbir şey yapmadımYalnızca bekliyorumVe bir şampuan markası tarafından keşfedileneYa da sen gelinceye dek bekleyeceğim"
Üstüme Devrilen Masallar
This is a really short read from Richard Nelson Bolles, who is a Christian author & also wrote the other job-hunting book "What Color Is Your Parachute?" I really like how he uses eating as a metaphor to finding your mission (mainly your job) in life. The 3 stages in eating are drinking milk from your mom or a bottle, eating strained baby foods, and finally chewing grown-ups food. He didn't say this, but I guess finding a job occurs in these 3 stages: 1) getting internship(s) 2) gaining experience & networking 3) interview & get that great job! Finding your mission occur in 3 stages too... read the book to find out how! ;-) Ultimately, our unique Mission don't need to be "achievements which all the world will see, (because) neither we nor those who watch our life will always know what we have achieved by our life and by our Mission. It may be that by the grace of God we helped bring about a profound change for the better in the lives of other souls around us, but it also may be that this takes place beyond our sight, or after we have gone on. And we may never know what we have accomplished, until we see Him face-to-face after this life is past." (P. 15) Favorite Quotes: "The place God calls you to is the place where your deep gladness and the world's deep hunger meet." (P. 56) "If you approach your job-hunt as an opportunity to work on this issue as well as the issue of how you will keep body and soul together, then hopefully your job-hunt will end with your being able to say: "Life has deep meaning to me, now. I have discovered more than my ideal job, I have found my Mission, and the reason why I am here on Earth." (P. 62)
2022-10-21 05:27
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