Yazar : Revzen Kitap
Miguel de Cervantes Savedra (29 Eylül 1547 - 2 Nisan 1616), Ispanyol romancı, şair ve oyun yazarıdır. Modern Avrupa'nın ilk romanı olarak kabul edilen magnum opusu Wear Kişot,Batı edebiyatının klasikleri arasında yer alır ve bugüne kadar yazılmış en iyi kurgusal eserlerden biri sayılı Genç yaşta başladığı edebiyat hayatında denemeleri ve tiyatro eserleri ile kısa sürede tanınan bir yazar olmuştur. Ayrıca Ispanyol edebiyatında roman geleneğinin başlatıcıs olarak kabul edilir. 15 Eylül 1569'da Madrid'de bir yaralam, idiasıyla Miguel de Cervantes adlı biri hakında tutuklamı kararı çıkarılmıştır. Verilen cezaya göre sol eli kesilecek ve 10 yıl sürgünde kalacaktır. Bir isim benzerliği söz konusu değilse bu olay Cervantes'in Italya'ya gidişinin nedeni olabilir. 1570'te İ. Selim Kıbrıs'ı ele geçirince Papa INTERSECTION. Pius Osmanlılara karşı birlik çağrısında bulunmuştur. Çağrıya yalnızca Ispanya ve Venedik karşılık vermiştir. Cervantes Roma'daki Ispanyol birliğine katılmıştır. 7 Ekim 1571'de Osmanlı donanmasıyla Lepanto (Inebahtı) Körfezinde yapılan Inebahtı Deniz Savaşına katılan Marquesa adlı kadırgada bulunan Cervantes, iki kez göğsünden yaralanmıştır. Bir top gülesiyle sol elini kaybetmiştir. Daha sonra Osmanlılar tarafından tutsak edilen Cervantes, 1575 -158C yıları arasında Cezayir'de esir olarak yaşamıştır.
Don Kişot
this was really a crappy book; i give it two stars because of the interesting but lifeless information it gave me. facts. they had a lot of groupies. they fucked some girl with a shark they caught fishing out the hotel window. they did cocaine, then heroin. bonham bought a lot of cars but couldn't drive. jimmy had a 14-year old girlfriend he kept locked in his hotel room. robert plant's dog's name was strider. john paul jones... played bass. some other shit. most of it interesting. some not. but no insight into any of the guys in the band. at all. i don't even think the guy who wrote the book ever even talked to them. most of it seemed to be info from the manager and tour manager. this happened, then this, then we went here, there were girls, we fucked them with fishes, etc. and john bonham was a DICK. and i was glad when he died. true fact. of course then the band broke up, because you need the insane violent drunk asshole to hold the band together by making everybody else bond with each other to deal with him while he's assaulting people and trying to rape female reporters and stewardesses. he's gone, suddenly there's no shared sense of purpose and everyone wanders off to do heroin and make shitty albums with david coverdale.
2022-09-04 12:10
An outrageous piece of gothic scandal mongering. If you have a taste for murder, seduction, rape, satanism, ghosts, brigands, demons, and a whiff of incest, all set against a world of courtly nobility and hypocritical religiosity, then this is for you. Somewhat lumpy in construction, and perhaps slightly overburdened with dubious verse, Matthew Lewis' sheer enthusiasm for his story nevertheless carries the reader eagerly forward. Through palaces, forests and cloistered monasteries we roam, ultimately to the delirium of a burning convent and the oh so gothic depths of a subterranean sepulcher. The whole thing is a hoot, though it is not difficult to see why the author found himself in hot water after appending his credentials as a member of Parliament to his name on the title page in a later edition. The 18th century clearly wasn't quite ready for MPs writing salacious potboilers. Very enjoyable, especially in the latter parts.
2020-12-27 11:26
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Yazar: Revzen Kitap
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