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Çok Gürültülü & Çok Yakın Çarpıcı, Güçlü ve Güzel Bir Film. Jonathan Safran Foer’contemporary övgü alan çok satan romanından uyarlanan Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close, babası 1 Eylül’de Dünya Ticaret Merkezi’nde ölen özgün bir çocuk, Oskar Schel’contemporary babasına isle bir anahtar bulduktan sonra çıktığı yolculuğu onun gözünden anlatmaktadır. Oskar’ın arayışı onu şehrin diğer tarafına götürür ve felaketen sonra hayata kalan bir grup seçilmiş insanla karşılaşır. Gizemli bir adam onun babasıyla arasındaki bağı ortaya çıkarmaya çalışır.

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  • Fiyat: 9,99 TL

Kitap eleştirileri

Çok Gürültülü & Çok Yakın


I liked this book, or as I would like to say, I don't regret reading it. Its one of those books that has you on the cusp of thinking "this is such an interestingly amazing specimen" or "what the hell is this crazy s***". Either way, its a bit out there, but not too much, in terms of having stories told. Its is like having thoughts told, random, unedited, honest thoughts from right inside the person's head, and their mind is a cynical, bitter, and a bit of an of asshole-ish one. Things are unchronological, you don't even know if there's a story, but you know these are his experiences, and ALL this, is what he feels. It can be undoubtedly compared to the way Catcher in the Rye is told by Holden Caulfield. He is a biased, self-absorbed, stoic, effed up in the head, narrator. But he's hurt even though he hurts himself and is a bastard for hurting others. Just like Holden Caulfield, he feels isolated even though he has psychologically built invisible steel around himself to shield himself out from others. Yet, at the same time, you can't stop yourself from feeling your heart break like his. You can't help but envision him standing there, a bit shellshocked, broken, naked, and vulnerable, with the pieces of his glass heart shattered all over the floor, pretending its not there. You can tell his guy has some serious issues, particularly with pain and hurt. And that for much of his problems he doesn't deserve a dime of pity. He can't face pain, ever, ---its his biggest fear. He can't stand it in himself, so he hurts others, all the girls he dates, which he actually purposedly does just to scar them and twists their hearts. He even does it to himself, in a sick way to kind of beat others from the punchline. He hurts the girl he loves because he knows that because he does love her, she is capable of hurting him. So he hurts himself before she ever has a chance to do it. Its because he loves so deeply, not just people, but many things, that he tries even harder to be a son of a bitch. And over time, you can't help but find you have a little love for him too, just a little bit, mulling around and some hiding corner of yourelf. At one part of the book you do almost love him, for his open sensitivity and damned bitter wit, and romantic cynic that he is.

2022-10-01 06:43


Ürpertici, akıllı kitap. Sonuna kadar bundan emin değildim. Kesinlikle "Yalnız Korucu ve Tonto Yumruk Cennette savaşır".

2019-12-27 00:55

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